Gerry Nelson
It was six years ago that I woke-up!
Having made a conscious decision to find the “real” meaning in everything, I studied “living consciously”.
For me, this meant creating my life consciously, rather than drifting along passively. Aware of my true desires, taking purposeful action, and directing my energy towards the progressive realization of those desires.
This went hand-in-hand with awakening my creative side (as it had laid dormant for many years, due to me being busy with life in general, in other words just drifting along), and I began to paint! Well, I say paint, I mean make a mess initially, which in itself was wonderful.
For your information - I am an advocate for the saying “Don’t sweat the small stuff!”
Colour, nature and more colour is what I am passionate about, and having an understanding of the therapeutic benefits in expressing emotions through colour is where I find my “I AM” place.
This awakening was I believe the single most important thing I have ever done, and highly recommend it! I hope you like what you see, and enjoy the original paintings. See my store for image designs at
I hope you enjoy my art as much as I love to create them. ♥ ♥